Easily control all side mobile screen rotation with
application. there is no need to use every time same as screen rotation use this application and get control all side like...
_Reverse Landscape
_Auto Landscape
_Reverse Portrait
_Auto Portrait
So, control your orientation with following these features. this is an amazing way to control your screen rotation with one click with your choice. The one and only
that can really lock your screen in any orientation and also force the automatic orientation to an app with specific settings. it's easy and simple to use. install an application in your mobile phone and set rotation according to your choice.
is a Screen Rotation Control Ultimate app which will allow you to control your mobile screen. it has the best way to lock your screen orientation via the buttons on the notification panel. this is an amazing Screen Rotation Control Ultimate app that will give you to easily rotate and lock your screen orientation via the buttons on the notification panel. You can also set up smart rotation events by your choice.
_Simply control your screen
_Easy to change the rotation
_You can configure the rotation of the screen from all side
_Control the rotation of the screen easily from the notification bar
_Can configure different rotations for each app
_Set Automatic orientation
_Landscape orientation
_Landscape (Reverse) orientation
_Landscape (Auto) orientation
_Portrait orientation
_Portrait (Reverse) orientation
_Portrait (Auto) orientation
_App allow locking orientation
_Notification panel to control orientation
_Easily control all side like
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